
FREE Consultations on offshore business formation and asset protection from lawsuits.
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This page is to provide information about opening a Swiss Bank account. I will give you free step-by-step instructions and information about opening an account in this most-respective banking jurisdiction.
There are three reasons why people choose Switzerland to open bank accounts:
1. Privacy
2. Safety
3. Lawsuit protection
Switzerland has very strict laws protecting the privacy of account holders. In 1934, laws went into place which are still enforced today, such that if a banker reveals information about a client’s account without his consent, the banker can receive several months in jail. Therefore, the existence of an account is extremely private and bound by very h2ly enforced laws.
Because it is a very reputable country with high regard for integrity, honesty and the strength of the banking system, there are also laws to prevent obviously criminal proceeds from being sheltered in Swiss banks. Examples are proceeds from theft, terrorism and drug trafficking. If it is suspected that such an individual has proceeds in the Swiss banking system, the case will be taken before a Swiss judge. If the criminal conviction is also a crime in Switzerland, then, an only then, will the secrecy be lifted.
Tax evasion is not a crime according to Swiss law. Therefore, a conviction in a foreign country will not penetrate the banking secrecy laws. In spite of this, Companies Incorporated h2ly recommends that you follow the laws of your jurisdiction. Many countries, such as the US, Canada and UK tax worldwide income. If you are subject to such laws, we highly recommend that you follow them.
Swiss banks are some of the h2est, safest banks in the world. There are banks with over $300 billion in assets and banks that are over 300 years old.
Very strict laws ensure that the bank hold assets in proportion to the deposits on hand. The asset-to-deposit requirements are one of the most heavily enforced
The Federal Banking Commission (FBC), the agency that regulates Swiss banks, create the essential codes of conduct. The codes direct what constitutes responsible industry practice or, in other words, ethically correct management. For example, one code of conduct is the Agreement on Due Diligence (also known as “CDB,” which stands for the French “convention relative à l’obligation de diligence des banques”). The CDB obliges banks to know their customers. The FBC audits bank activities and monitors the banks’ conformity to these codes of conduct. There are both required and suggested procedures. Compliance with required procedures are enforced. Suggested guidelines, on the other hand, are voluntary.
Because the requirements and guidelines create a web of complexity for opening an account in a bank in Switzerland, it is important to have a liaison that is very familiar with the details. Companies Incorporated has been in business since 1977 and has been establishing Swiss bank accounts for many years. We have walked the streets of Zurich and other banking cities and have relationships with all major banks and several other financial institutions.
Lawsuit Protection
I have a friend who is a private investigator. He said if he knows your name and a little about you, he can find any account in the US upon which you are a signatory and can find your bank balances down to the penny. Attorneys hire him to perform assets searches before and after they pursue legal cases.
He said if an account is offshore in a private jurisdiction, such as Switzerland, that it is almost impossible for him to locate the assets. He said that about the only way he can find assets offshore is to obtain the home, office and cellular telephone records of the opposing party. If they have called the offshore bank, it leaves a path to the bank. So, therefore, the secret is to only contact the bank by secure email, Internet or by calling the bank from a telephone from which you are not easily associated.
Here are steps in opening an account:
Step 1 in opening an account is to have a sizable deposit available. Most banks require a deposit starting at $1 million USD. Some banks will allow accounts with a $500,000 USD opening balance. Some banks will accept a lower deposit if necessary. If much less of a deposit is available, there are many h2, safe Caribbean banks that have strict privacy laws. Contact Companies Incorporated for details and to obtain specific recommendations by calling 1-800-830-1055 or +1-661-253-3303.
Step 2 is to establish an offshore company. There is simply too much of a gaping hole in one’s financial privacy, asset protection and lawsuit protection plan by having a bank account in one’s own name. Any wire transfers, checks, or other common types of deposits will leave an obvious electronic or paper trail. Wiring money to a privately held offshore company does not leave an obvious trail back to the account signer. The most recommended jurisdiction in which to establish an offshore company is the Caribbean island of Nevis (pronounced Knee’ – vuhs). A limited liability company (LLC) in Nevis gives the h2est combination of privacy of ownership and inherent asset protection laws. That is, there are laws in Nevis, such that, assets inside of a properly formed LLC in this jurisdiction are protected from seizure when the owner of a Nevis LLC loses a lawsuit. You can use your Nevis company to own your bank account in Switzerland.
Step 3 is to contact an organization with experience in opening offshore bank accounts in Switzerland. (This step can be completed simultaneously with Step 2.) There are simply too many facets, risks and complexities involved. So a very h2 recommendation is to get help. Companies Incorporated, the company behind Offshorecorporation.com, has years of experience in this specialized field and has been in business since 1977.
To establish a Swiss bank account, call OffshoreCorporation.com at 1-800-830-1055 or internationally at +1-661-253-3303.
To apply online, please click here. To order an offshore company plus account, please click here.
Swiss Bank Account – Switzerland Bank Information
Swiss Bank Information
The Most Frequently Asked Questions
Maximum Asset Protection for your Swiss Account
Swiss Bank Tips and Information
Information about Switzerlandand and Swiss Bank History
Swiss Privacy Laws
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